Support of bankruptcy procedures throughout Russia

Find out if debt cancellation is beneficial in your situation
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Order a callback and secure a 10 per cent discount on any legal services
The reason why you should choose us
Years of successful legal practice
Conducted bankruptcy procedures
Conducted trials annually
Up to 100%
Repaid creditors' claims
Temida Group Law Firm has been providing a full range of bankruptcy support services since 1999.

Over the years of the company's existence, we have managed to establish a reputation as an experienced and reliable partner who has helped many organizations to go through such a complex and lengthy procedure as bankruptcy with minimal losses.

Please enter your phone number and secure a 10 per cent discount on any services!
Our lawyer will contact you within 10 minutes and answer all your questions. The consultation is free!
Service packages
Stages of interaction
Consultation and expertise

We will investigate your situation and offer a solution for debt cancellation and preservation of your property.
Conclusion of an agreement

After the conclusion of an agreement, we will contact your creditors and collectors ourselves.
Filing an application to the court

We will collect a full package of documents on our own, draw up an application and file it to the court.
Adjudication of bankruptcy

The court makes a decision regarding your bankruptcy. Your obligations are frozen, the accrual of interest, fines and penalties stops.
Debt relief

The bankruptcy procedure has been completed which means that you are permanently released from all current debts.
You are no longer burdened with obligations and can continue to live without worrying about tomorrow.
What debts do you want to write off? (you may select several items)
What is your current employment status?
Do you have a mortgage or a car loan?
And finally, please, indicate the total amount of your debt
The probability of writing off your debts is 98 per cent. To receive bonuses (a checklist and a list of documents), please, enter your phone number
Enter your number and our lawyer will consult you in detail on the chosen service
Is it long?
The positive effect will come immediately!

Yes, the bankruptcy procedure is not fast. But you will get a positive result immediately after signing a contract with us. Bailiffs, collectors and banks will stop pestering you immediately after the procedure begins.
Is it expensive?
No more expensive than loans.

How much are you paying on loans now? 73 per cent of our clients pay for bankruptcy two or more times less every month than they used to pay on loans.
Now or later?
The problem will not be solved by itself.

The longer you delay solving the problem, the more it gets worse. Collectors, bailiffs, delays, penalties.

Wouldn't it be better to solve the problem once and for all?
What will I get in the end?
A judicial act on the completion of the procedure and the cancellation of the debt.

You will receive a full, legal release from debts confirmed by the ruling of the arbitration court.

You will be able to start your financial life with a clean slate.
We’ll be happy to answer all your questions
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